[Tex/LaTex] Removal of binding offset when submitting digital version of document


I'm writing my dissertation in LaTeX, and we're required to submit a paper copy and a PDF copy. For the paper copy, I'm using:


\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=3cm, left=1cm, right=1cm]{geometry}

…so that it can be printed double-sided and bound with the correct margins.

But for the PDF copy, would you comment out the bindingoffset so that the document is "symmetrical"?

Forgetting about what my organisation's rules might be, are there any guidelines for creating both a digital and a paper copy?

Best Answer

You can try the below minimal. Un-comment the \setboolean{ForPrinting} line to set it for printing. It optimizes the document for screen printing. You may need to do some minor adjustments to suit your geometry for the actual paper publication.


%% UNCOMMENT the next line for a PRINT-OPTIMIZED VERSION of the text %%

%% Initialize values to ForPrinting=false
\newcommand{\Margins}{hmarginratio=1:1}     % Symmetric margins
\newcommand{\HLinkColor}{blue}              % Hyperlink color

%% Re-set if ForPrinting=true
  \renewcommand{\Margins}{hmarginratio=2:3} % Asymmetric margins
  \renewcommand{\HLinkColor}{black}         % Hyperlink color
  }{% If ForPrinting=false, don't skip to recto

  pdftitle={Your book title here},
  pdfauthor={Yiannis Lazarides},
  pdfkeywords={maths, table of equations},
  pdfstartview=Fit,    % default value
  pdfstartpage=1,      % default value
  pdfpagemode=UseNone, % default value
  bookmarks=true,      % default value
  linktocpage=false,   % default value

% Re-crop screen-formatted version, accommodating wide displays
  {\hypersetup{pdfpagescrop= 0 30 612 765}}


A short-cut is to download calibre-ebooks and do automatic conversions using it. You can reformat the PDF for all sort of readers.