[Tex/LaTex] Referring to function name in an algorithm


I have a LaTeX code which looks similar to the following example.

\caption{My Algo.}
\Function{CallA}{$a$} \label{alg:a}
    \State \Call{CalcSquare}{$a$}
\Function{CalcSquare}{$b$} \label{alg:b}
    \State \Return $b\times b$
The \ref{alg:a} function calls \ref{alg:b} inside.

How can I make \ref{alg:a} show the name of function instead of line number?

It is desired to appear "The CallA function calls CalcSquare inside", but what it actually looks like is
"The 1 function calls 4 inside".

Best Answer

You can define a new command, say \funclabel for storing the function name. Then you can retrieve it with the usual \ref.


  \csname ALG@cmd@\ALG@L @Function\endcsname{#1}{#2}%

\caption{My Algo.}
\Function{CallA}{$a$} \funclabel{alg:a} \label{alg:a-line}
    \State \Call{CalcSquare}{$a$}
\Function{CalcSquare}{$b$} \funclabel{alg:b}
    \State \Return $b\times b$
The \ref{alg:a} function at line~\ref{alg:a-line} calls \ref{alg:b} inside.

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