[Tex/LaTex] Referencing sublabels without subfloats


Suppose that I have a figure with different panels and I want to use the command \cref to reference each one of the panels. A way to do this is to use the packages subfig, subfigure, or subcaption. However, what if the different panels in the figure are all together in a single file picture?

Is there a way to define a sublabel without define a subfloat or subfigure?

For example, consider the standard example:


    \caption{blah blah}

Now, I dont't have example-image-1 and example-image-2 separately, but they are a single file example-image. What I am trying to do is to create a "phantom" subfloat in order to reference different parts of example-image as if they were two different and separate figures.

PS: I tried \phantomsubcaption from the package subcaption, as suggested here, but I have compatibility issues (I think it is revtex problem…).

IMPORTANT: Cutting the picture in two pieces is NOT an option.

A very quick and dirty solution is:

  \caption{blah blah}

However, this introduces extra spaces in the figures, since it actually defines 2 empty subfloats.

I hope that someone will have a better idea.

Best Answer

\phantomsubcaption seems to work fine here.

enter image description here

\caption{\subref{sub1} shows this, \subref{sub2} shows that.}

Figure~\ref{fig} has subfigures \ref{sub1} and \ref{sub2}.