[Tex/LaTex] Referencing appendix returns chapter number instead of letter (memoir class)


I'm using an adapted version of the memoir class to typeset my thesis. I'm attempting to add an appendix, which I will reference in various chapters. Here is the basic code (to compile, need ukthesis class which can be found here math.as.uky.edu/sites/default/files/ukthesis.cls_.txt ):

%you must include these 2 packages.

\section{General Introduction}

 In \textbf{Appendix \ref{app:A}}, alongside CAD diagrams.

\chapter{Detector Frame Drawings}\label{app:A}
The following pages show drawings 

However, when I attempt to reference it, what I get back out is something like:

"See appendix 2.3.3" (or in the case of this MWE, I just get a blank reference value)

instead of the expected:

"See appendix A."

Thoughts on what could be causing this? Forgive me if this is answered elsewhere, but I couldn't locate someone with this same problem, and other suggestions (for various other problems) haven't worked.


EDITED: to include an actual MWE.

Best Answer

\backmatter stops any chapter numbering, so put your appendix before that. In any case bibliographies and indexes normally come after appendices.

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