[Tex/LaTex] references with number and names


the problem that I have is that some references appears as numbers and some of them appears as author names. The problem is that I only want numbers. The .tex compiles without any error. I tried to edit the bib file but still the reference appears in names and numbers. I tried deleting the .blb file and compile again but nothing was changed. I tried to delete the .aux file and compile again but still it didn't correct anything. The bibliography file was created using BibDesk. I have upload an image to check it out.



enter image description here

Best Answer

Biblatex, unlike bibtex, will use the key in bold in the document, intead of the bold question marks, to show that the reference is not found.

Consider the following example:


    author = {foo, h.},
    title = {some random title},
    journaltitle = {a journal},
    year = {2014},



some text \cite{foo} but also \cite{bar}.


It will produce the output

some text [1] but also [bar].

and in the logs, you should see something like:

Package biblatex Warning: The following entry could not be found
(biblatex) in the database:
(biblatex) bar
(biblatex) Please verify the spelling and rerun
(biblatex) LaTeX afterwards.