[Tex/LaTex] Reference in LaTeX chapter style


I would like to add a note in the LaTeX Chapter environment that the work I am describing in the following has been published in a paper. In other words, it should look something like this:

Chapter 6

The Evolution in research

The research described in this Chapter has been published in:
R. Moor and J.Morris. The Evolution of Research, Workshop on
Education, 2010, pp. 180-190

Once upon a time .... 

Or alternatively:

The research described in this Chapter has been published in:
R. Moor and J.Morris. The Evolution of Research, Workshop on
Education, 2010, pp. 180-190

Chapter 6

The Evolution in research

Once upon a time .... 

Anyone an idea if there is something like a template for doing that in LaTeX?

Best Answer

With the KOMA classes you could define a chapter preamble with the command \setchapterpreamble. Using a BibTeX style that has full citation support, e.g. biblatex, you could do the following:

  author = {R. Moor and J. Morris},
  title = {The Evolution of Research},
    subtitle = {Workshop on Education},
  year = {2010}


      The research described in this Chapter has been published in: 
\chapter{The Evolution in research}

Once upon a time~\ldots

You could put anything inside the \setchapterpreamble command, not only a quote environment, but also plain text. You could e.g. also use KOMA’s \dictum command:

    The research described in this Chapter has been published in: 