[Tex/LaTex] Reduce tab spacing


How can I reduce the spacing after I have used & in tabular?



\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X}
\textbf{Greetings} & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs \\
\textbf{Gift Giving} & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration. \\
\textbf{Dressing} & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
\textbf{Tipping} & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used. \\
\textbf{Time Management} & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness. 


The main issue is that there is too much spacing after &, how can I fix that?

enter image description here

Best Answer



\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}>{\bfseries}l X@{}}
    Greetings       & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs                                                                                                                                                                     \\
    Gift Giving     & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration.                                          \\
    Dressing        & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
    Tipping         & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used.                                                                                                                                      \\
    Time Management & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness.                                             \\


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}>{\bfseries\raggedright}p{5em} X@{}}% \raggedright because justified text in such a narrow column is not good
    Greetings       & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs                                                                                                                                                                     \\
    Gift Giving     & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration.                                          \\
    Dressing        & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
    Tipping         & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used.                                                                                                                                      \\
    Time Management & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness.                                             \\


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}>{\bfseries\raggedright\hsize=.4\hsize}X >{\hsize=1.6\hsize}X@{}}
    Greetings       & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs                                                                                                                                                                     \\
    Gift Giving     & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration.                                          \\
    Dressing        & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
    Tipping         & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used.                                                                                                                                      \\
    Time Management & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness.                                             \\

\lipsum*[1] & \lipsum*[1]


enter image description here

enter image description here