[Tex/LaTex] Reduce space between enumerated items

floatslistspositioningspacingvertical alignment


All book figures are set to "here definitely" (as they must come after the text that introduces them).


The list types (enumerated and bullet) have too much space between them. The reason seems to be because the TeX engine wants to use up as much space on the page as possible, since the next page is essentially a large image that cannot fit on the current page. For example:

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What can be done to keep the text in lists together (even if it means plenty of space at the bottom of the page)?

Best Answer

As "plenty of space at the bottom of the page" seems to be acceptable to you, try to add \raggedbottom to your preamble (the default for the book class is \flushbottom).

A better solution is not to set every float to "here definitely", but to use \usepackage{flafter}. The flafter package ensures that floats won't be typeset before their in-text reference.