Redefining Proof Environment in LaTeX


How can I change the \begin{proof} environment so that the word Proof which is displayed in my document isn't italic? I tried changing \proofname, but that only changes the displayed text, not the style.

Best Answer

I assume you're talking about proof as defined by amsthm. The command \itshape is hardwired in the environment's definition.

I suggest patching it so it uses a “generic” command that you can redefine at will:


\newcommand{\proofnamefont}{} % add nothing

Full example. The \renewcommand is just for testing.





Obvious, isn't it?


\begin{proof}[Proof in boldface]
Test for boldface and the optional argument.


enter image description here

Just to clear up things: if you want boldface, the code should be





Obvious, isn't it?

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