Red Box Around Question-Mark Operator in Minted Erlang Code


I'm trying to include some Erlang code samples in a document using the minted package which include the ? operator to denote a message being received from a process. The code

A ! Msg1,
    A ? Msg2 ->

produces the following output:

LaTeX output

with the ? operator being treated differently to the ! operator, and having a red box drawn around it. How can I remove this box and have it treated in the same way as the ! operator? I presumed pygmentize would treat them similarly in this context. Is there any way I can check that this assertion is true, and if it's not, modify how pygmentize treats it accordingly?

Best Answer

Normally the red box indicates syntax errors in your source code (here Erlang). However, the language specific parsers used by Pygments (which in turn is used by minted) are incomplete. Apparently the Erlang parser cannot cope with the question mark as an identifier.

The best course of action is to file a bug with the maintainer of the Erlang lexer, Jeremy Thurgood or the Pocoo team who maintain Pygments.

Or you can fix the error yourself in your local Pygments installation by modifying pygments/lexers/ – the error is probably just a missing question mark on line 659.