TikZ-Trees – Defining Recursive Stern-Brocot Trees


I am trying to build a Stern-Brocot tree (enumeration of rationals).

The result is nearly acceptable, but I am still dissatisfied with the following points.

  1. The edge from the parents goes to the middle of the child node, not the upper border.
  2. The command does not (re)evaluate it's arguments at each iteration (we keep 1+1+1 instead of 3)
  3. I cannot use \bt@n and \bt@d in the recursive calls, as they are somehow messed up (why ?).
  4. I have to give a name to my nodes, which is useless, but LaTeX won't compile without.

Here is the code :



\makeatletter  % We can use the `@` symbol in macro names

  \pgfextra{ % Allows us to use non-drawing commands
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\bt@depth{#5}    % Current depth
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\bt@ndepth{\bt@depth - 1}  % Next depth


    %% Calculate the sibling distance
    %  distance = 2^{remaining depth}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\bt@sdistance{pow( 2, \bt@depth)}

  node (\bt@n/\bt@d) {$\frac{\eval{#1+#3}}{ \eval{#2+#4}}$}

  \ifnumgreater{\bt@depth}{0}{% if( depth > 0 ) then:
    child [sibling distance=\bt@sdistance*2em] {
    child [sibling distance=\bt@sdistance*2em] { 
  }{% else:
    %% Do nothing

%% Now we can draw our tree
  \draw \btree{3};


It should give something like this
Stern-Brocot tree

So any help is welcome.

Best Answer

Can I offer you a forest?


  Stern Brocot/.style n args={5}{%
    if={#5>0}{% true
      append={[,Stern Brocot={#1}{#2}{#1+#3}{#2+#4}{#5-1}]},
      append={[,Stern Brocot={#1+#3}{#2+#4}{#3}{#4}{#5-1}]}
    }{}}% false (empty)
[,Stern Brocot={0}{1}{1}{0}{3}]


enter image description here enter image description here

Code (with more stuff)

  Stern Brocot at/.style={at/.wrap 2 pgfmath args={([rotate around=180:(!##1)] !##22)}
  Stern Brocot at*/.style n args={3}{
    at/.wrap pgfmath arg={(!##1-|SB@#3)}{strrepeat("#1",#2)},
    /forest/if={#2<\SBLevel}{append after command=
      (\tikzlastnode) edge[densely dotted] (SB@#3@\the\numexpr\SBLLoop+1\relax)}{}}}
  Stern Brocot*/.style n args={2}{
    edge=densely dotted,
    if={level()<\SBLevel}{append={[,Stern Brocot*={#1}{#2}]}}{}},
  Stern Brocot/.style n args={5}{
    /utils/exec=\edef\SBLevel{#5},@Stern Brocot={#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}},
  @Stern Brocot/.style n args={4}{
    /utils/exec=\edef\SBTop   {\number\numexpr#1+#3\relax}% eTeX instead of PGFmath
    if/.expanded={level()<\SBLevel}{% true
      append={[,@Stern Brocot={#1}{#2}{\SBTop}{\SBBottom}]},
      append={[,Stern Brocot*={\SBTop}{\SBBottom}]},
      append={[,@Stern Brocot={\SBTop}{\SBBottom}{#3}{#4}]}
    }{}}}% false (empty)
\begin{forest}[,Stern Brocot={0}{1}{1}{0}{3}]
\coordinate[Stern Brocot at=1] (SB@left) coordinate[Stern Brocot at=3] (SB@right);
\foreach \SBLLoop in {\SBLevel, ..., 0}
  \path node[Stern Brocot at*={1}{\SBLLoop}{left}]  (SB@left@\SBLLoop)  {$\frac01$}
        node[Stern Brocot at*={3}{\SBLLoop}{right}] (SB@right@\SBLLoop) {$\frac10$};

Output (with more stuff)

enter image description here

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