Piano Range – Keyboard vs Staves and Note Frequency


This is a kind of follow-up to this question. The last answer is almost perfect, but the frequency on the keyboard is wrong. For example, C1 should be 32.703, not 32.696. I can't find the error, the formula is correct. Can someone help please ?

Best Answer

Using expl3 to calculate the frequencies (the rest of this answer is shamelessly copied from the answer linked in this question):

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \myFrequencyCalculation { m }
  { \fp_to_decimal:n { round(2**((#1-49)/12)*440,3) } }
\tikzset{tight fit/.style={inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}}

\node [text width=1cm, tight fit] (clefs) at (0,0) {

\foreach \note [
        \n=int(mod(\note-1, 12));
] in {1,...,88}{

        \tikzset{extract anchor/.style={anchor=south west, at=(\lastnotenodename.south east)}}
        \tikzset{extract anchor/.style={anchor=north west, at=(\lastnotenodename.north east)}}
        \node (\notenodename) [tight fit,text width=1cm, extract anchor/.try]  {%           
                        \Notes \nextinstrument \ql{\notename} \en       
                        \Notes \nextinstrument \qu{\notename} \en                       
                        \Notes \ql{\notename} \en
                        \Notes \qu{\notename} \en
        \node [anchor=base] (sol-fa)  at (\notenodename |- 0,-3) {\tonicsolfa$_\octave$};

        \draw (\notenodename.south west |- 0,-4) rectangle ++(1, -4);
        \node [rotate=90, font=\footnotesize, anchor=east] 
            at (\notenodename.north |- 0,-4) {\frequency};
        \node [font=\footnotesize, anchor=south]  
            at (\notenodename.south |- 0,-8) {\note};
        \node [font=\footnotesize, anchor=south] 
            at (\notenodename.south |- 0,-8.5)  {\notename$_\octave$};
        \draw (\notenodename.south west |- sol-fa.south) 
            rectangle (\notenodename.south east |- 0,1.125); %0.125 by trial and error
        \fill ([xshift=-0.25cm]\lastnotenodename.north east |- 0,-4) rectangle ++(0.5, -2.5);
        \node  [rotate=90, text=white, font=\footnotesize, anchor=east]
            at (\lastnotenodename.north east |- 0,-4) {\frequency};
\node [rotate=90] at (0,-6) {Fr\`equency (Hz)};


enter image description here

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