Music – Annotating Note Frequency for Piano Range


I'd like to draw something like this for the piano, but with all notes explicitly draw and labelled with its frequency. I use for the first time the musixtex package so I have no idea how to automate the annotation.

Here is what I've done so far.

\documentclass[preview,border={3cm 2mm 3cm 2mm}]{standalone}% standalone works with adjusting the border.
\notes\qu{`CDEFG 'AB}\enotes
\notes\qu{CDEFG 'AB}\enotes
\notes\qu{'CDEFG 'AB}\enotes
\notes|\qu{'cdefg 'ab}\enotes

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'm not sure if I understood the question right and this is what you want but here we go: the code uses the fact that a pitch cannot only be specified with a letter but also with a number. The frequencies are calculated with the formula on the linked Wikipedia site. (I don't know why the margins for standalone have to be enlarged manually to see the whole extract...).

% arara: musixtex
\documentclass[preview,border={17cm 2mm 17cm 2mm}]{standalone}
% define integer variables:
\int_new:N \l__cjorssen_pitch_int
\int_new:N \l__cjorssen_step_int

% define tokenlist variable for the formatted output of the
% frequencies:
\tl_new:N  \l__cjorssen_freq_format_tl
\tl_set:Nn \l__cjorssen_freq_format_tl { \tiny\bfseries }

% macro to write notes and frequencies for one octave
%   #1: the lowest pitch
%   #2: the highest pitch, should not be more than #1+6
%   #3: the difference between pitch number and key number
\cs_new_protected:Npn \cjorssen_write_notes:nnn #1#2#3
    % set the starting pitch:
    \int_set:Nn \l__cjorssen_pitch_int { #1 }
    % set the step to zero:
    \int_zero:N \l__cjorssen_step_int
    % loop until we reach the end pitch:
    \int_do_while:nn { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int <= #2 }
        % \cchar{<pitch>}{<something>} is a musixtex macro that
        % allows setting <something> at the specified <pitch>
        % let's set the frequency below the tone it belongs to:
          { \int_eval:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int - 5 } }
            % start a group to keep the format local, just in case
              % the format:
              \tl_use:N \l__cjorssen_freq_format_tl
              % let's test at which point of the octave we are
              % and add the needed integer to \l__cjorssen_pitch_int
              % in order to get the right key number with respect to
              % musixtex's pitch number:
              \int_case:nnn { \l__cjorssen_step_int }
                  { 0 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + #3 } }
                  { 1 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 1 + #3 } }
                  { 2 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 2 + #3 } }
                  { 3 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 2 + #3 } }
                  { 4 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 3 + #3 } }
                  { 5 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 4 + #3 } }
                  { 6 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 5 + #3 } }
        % write the note:
        \qu { \int_use:N \l__cjorssen_pitch_int }
        % step the integers for the next round in the loop:
        \int_incr:N \l__cjorssen_step_int
        \int_incr:N \l__cjorssen_pitch_int

% calculate the frequency from the key number
% (using 440Hz for the concert pitch):
\cs_new:Npn \cjorssen_calc_freq:n #1
  { \fp_eval:n { round ( 440 * 2^(((#1)-49)/12) , 2 ) } }

% #1: the lowest pitch
% #2: the highest pitch, should not be more than #1+6
% #3: the difference between pitch number and key number
\NewDocumentCommand \writenotes { mO{#1+6}m }
  { \cjorssen_write_notes:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } }

enter image description here

Here is the same with the article class:

% arara: musixtex
% define integer variables:
\int_new:N \l__cjorssen_pitch_int
\int_new:N \l__cjorssen_step_int

% define tokenlist variable for the formatted output of the
% frequencies:
\tl_new:N  \l__cjorssen_freq_format_tl
\tl_set:Nn \l__cjorssen_freq_format_tl { \tiny\bfseries }

% macro to write notes and frequencies for one octave
%   #1: the lowest pitch
%   #2: the highest pitch, should not be more than #1+6
%   #3: the difference between pitch number and key number
\cs_new_protected:Npn \cjorssen_write_notes:nnn #1#2#3
    % set the starting pitch:
    \int_set:Nn \l__cjorssen_pitch_int { #1 }
    % set the step to zero:
    \int_zero:N \l__cjorssen_step_int
    % loop until we reach the end pitch:
    \int_do_while:nn { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int <= #2 }
        % \cchar{<pitch>}{<something>} is a musixtex macro that
        % allows setting <something> at the specified <pitch>
        % let's set the frequency below the tone it belongs to:
          { \int_eval:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int - 5 } }
            % start a group to keep the format local, just in case
              % the format:
              \tl_use:N \l__cjorssen_freq_format_tl
              % let's test at which point of the octave we are
              % and add the needed integer to \l__cjorssen_pitch_int
              % in order to get the right key number with respect to
              % musixtex's pitch number:
              \int_case:nnn { \l__cjorssen_step_int }
                  { 0 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + #3 } }
                  { 1 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 1 + #3 } }
                  { 2 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 2 + #3 } }
                  { 3 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 2 + #3 } }
                  { 4 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 3 + #3 } }
                  { 5 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 4 + #3 } }
                  { 6 } { \cjorssen_calc_freq:n { \l__cjorssen_pitch_int + 5 + #3 } }
        % write the note:
        \qu { \int_use:N \l__cjorssen_pitch_int }
        % step the integers for the next round in the loop:
        \int_incr:N \l__cjorssen_step_int
        \int_incr:N \l__cjorssen_pitch_int

% calculate the frequency from the key number
% (using 440Hz for the concert pitch):
\cs_new:Npn \cjorssen_calc_freq:n #1
  { \fp_eval:n { round ( 440 * 2^(((#1)-49)/12) , 2 ) } }

% #1: the lowest pitch
% #2: the highest pitch, should not be more than #1+6
% #3: the difference between pitch number and key number
\NewDocumentCommand \writenotes { mO{#1+6}m }
  { \cjorssen_write_notes:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } }

enter image description here

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