[Tex/LaTex] Raise equation number position from new line

amsmathequationsnumberingvertical alignment

I am trying to write an equation in a multicolumn environment and while there is space on the final line for the equation number, LaTeX is seemingly putting it on a new line.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage{lipsum, amsmath, multicol, geometry}
\geometry{left=20mm, right=20mm, top=20mm, bottom=20mm}
Using central differences for the first and second order derivative our numerical scheme becomes
h_j^{n+1} =  h_j^n &+  \dfrac{\Delta t \left(h_j^n\right)^3}{(\Delta x)^2} 
\left(h_{j+1}^n - 2 h_j^n + h_{j-1}^n\right)\\ 
&+  \dfrac{3\Delta t \left(h_j^n\right)^2}{4(\Delta x)^2} 
\left(h_{j+1}^n - h_{j-1}^n\right)
where we notice something\\

gives the following:

misplaced equation number

I would like the equation number to be higher on the final line where there is room. I have tried swapping the lines and various environments, but no luck.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

enter image description here


Using central differences for the first and second order derivative our numerical scheme becomes
h_j^{n+1} =  h_j^n &+  \dfrac{\Delta t \left(h_j^n\right)^3}{(\Delta x)^2} 
\left(h_{j+1}^n - 2 h_j^n + h_{j-1}^n\right)\\ 
&+  \dfrac{3\Delta t \left(h_j^n\right)^2}{4(\Delta x)^2} 
\left(h_{j+1}^n - h_{j-1}^n\right)
where we notice something

Using central differences for the first and second order derivative our numerical scheme becomes
h_j^{n+1} =  h_j^n &+  \dfrac{\Delta t \left(h_j^n\right)^3}{(\Delta x)^2} 
\left(h_{j+1}^n - 2 h_j^n + h_{j-1}^n\right)\nonumber\\ 
&+  \dfrac{3\Delta t \left(h_j^n\right)^2}{4(\Delta x)^2} 
\left(h_{j+1}^n - h_{j-1}^n\right)
where we notice something



Please always post full documents, I had to guess a text width to get the effect that you showed. You can use \raisetag (But apparently not in equation so I used a one line gather) or you can use align and just number one line.