[Tex/LaTex] Quote marks – Inverted L / Gamma symbol style


I'm using XeLaTeX along with the cjk package. I'm trying to recreate quotation marks like the inverted L symbols in the following image:

enter image description here

A first attempt. Here's a MWE after looking at the comments and suggestions from @JoelReyesNoche and @NieldeBeaudrap (thanks for all the help!):


\date{2015 年 4 月 25 日}


我说:「您好!」 他答道: 「您好!」


enter image description here

I would, ideally, like to shorten the vertical part of the quote and lengthen the horizontal part so it looks more like the one in the first image, but it is not clear how.

A second attempt. It does seem slightly better when I change the font from KaiTi to AR PL UKai CN:

enter image description here


  1. Am I at the mercy of the font I'm using?
  2. Is there a way to get quotation marks closer to those in the original example above?

Best Answer

Here is a primitive attempt to achieve outcomes which may be close to what you need. This solution is perhaps suitable for those who wish to achieve square corner quotation marks such as yours, but prefer not to use a typesetting system specialised for Japanese such as pTeX [PDF documentation], or who cannot use a TeX engine specialised to use unicode input (for which the appropriate symbols are U+300C and U+300D respectively).



\rectquote{Rectangular quotation marks}

Sample image showing simulated Japanese quotes