[Tex/LaTex] Quiver scale in pgfplots (unit scaling)


Quiver plots can be made within pgfplots. Here is a minimal example which is a vector field of [1, x-y]:



\begin{axis}[domain=-3:3, view={0}{90}]
\addplot3[blue, quiver={u={1}, v={(x-y)}, scale arrows=0.15}, -stealth,samples=20] {0};


This produces the below picture.


The question is, how do I scale the arrows to be of unit size? Dividing by the norm of arrows, abs(x-y), isn't a great solution, because around zero pgfplots will spit out an error.

Best Answer

You already have the right approach: dividing by the arrow length is the solution. In your case, the error norm is sqrt(1+(x-y)^2) (do not forget the x component!):



\begin{axis}[domain=-3:3, view={0}{90}]
\addplot3[blue, quiver={u={1/(\length)}, v={(x-y)/(\length)}, scale arrows=0.15}, -stealth,samples=20] {0};


You may want to adjust scale arrows (perhaps using value 1 again?).

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