[Tex/LaTex] qtree and tikz-qtree


I need to use tikz-qtree instead of qtree, but I noticed that trees are annoyingly uneven. Compare the following tree created with tikz-qtree:

% !TEX TS-program = latex
\usepackage{tikz, tikz-qtree, pst-node, pst-asr, graphicx}
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}


\Tree [  [  [ $\sqrt{\textsc{Root}}$ {\scshape Voice} ] [.{\scshape Asp} ] ] [.{\scshape Tns} ] ]


enter image description here

with the following created with qtree:

% !TEX TS-program = latex
%\usepackage{tikz, tikz-qtree, pst-node, pst-asr, graphicx}
%\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}


\Tree [.  [.  [.  $\sqrt{\textsc{Root}}$ {\scshape Voice} ] [.{\scshape Asp} ] ] [.{\scshape Tns} ] ]


enter image description here

Is it possible to compiles trees with tikz-qtree as nice as those with qtree somehow?

Best Answer

EDIT (Now with 3 solutions)

qtree + tikzmark

If you just need to draw arrows later, you can use tikzmark with qtree. At least, the following seems to work:

  \Tree [  [  [ {\tikzmark{a}$\sqrt{\textsc{Root}}$\tikzmark{b}} {\scshape Voice} ] [.{\scshape Asp} ] ] [.{\scshape {\tikzmark{c}Tns\tikzmark{d}}} ] ]
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
  \draw [->, shorten >=5pt, shorten <=5pt] ($(pic cs:a)!1/2!(pic cs:b)$) .. controls +(1,-2) and +(-1,-2) .. ($(pic cs:c)!1/2!(pic cs:d)$);

<code>qtree</code> + <code>tikzmark</code>


I would also use Forest, but would definitely recommend the linguistics library which provides nice empty nodes and suitable edges out-of-the-box. To align the terminal nodes, you can add a phantom with zero width but appropriate height.

For example,

  nice empty nodes,
  for tree={
  before typesetting nodes={
    where n children=0{

Forest with <code>linguistics</code> library


If you prefer to stick with tikz-qtree, you should wait to see what Alan Munn can come up with. I've only ever used qtree and forest, so the best I can do with tikz-qtree is

<code>tikz-qtree</code> effort

  every tree node/.append style={text width=\widesttreenodewidth, text depth=\deepesttreenodedpth, text height=\highesttreenodeht, text centered},
  execute at begin node=\makebox[0pt]{\phantom{$\sqrt{X}$}},
\Tree [  [  [ $\sqrt{\textsc{Root}}$ {\scshape Voice} ] [.{\scshape Asp} ] ] [.{\scshape Tns} ] ]


Forest does take some time to learn and the syntax is a bit different, so it is not something to attempt at the end of a large project, deadline looming, for sure.

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