[Tex/LaTex] PythonTeX: importing python files


I'm trying to import a personal python module using python tex, but pythontex doesn't find the module. My attempt:

The LaTeX File:

% !TEX TS-program = pythontex


import os
import sayhi


The Python module sayhi.py, in the same directory (/Users/christopherchudzicki/Desktop/pythontex/importproblem) as the LaTeX file:

def hi():

LaTeX Output:
LaTeX Output

I'd like to be able to call sayhi.hi() from within the pyconsole environment.

Best Answer

This is a bug in the console environments. The current working directory isn't being added to sys.path. I will fix this in the next release.

If you're using PythonTeX v0.12beta (on GitHub) you can use the following workaround for now.




import os
import sys

import sayhi
