[Tex/LaTex] Putting a matrix over an arrow


I'm wanting to re-use notation used in a paper, but I'm having trouble formatting it in LaTeX. I'm trying to put a small (either a 2×2 or a 2×1 matrix) on top or to the right of an arrow.
I want something like this (but with matrices with parentheses instead of brackets):
enter image description here

I've tried typesetting the bottom row, and here is my attempt and the output:

    \xymatrix{ G_{1} \oplus F_{2} \ar[r]^{\begin{psmallmatrix}- $\psi_{1}$ & 0 \\ g & \phi_2 \end{psmallmatrix}} 
 & F_{1} \oplus G_{2} \ar[r]^{\begin{psmallmatrix}- $\phi_{1}$ & 0 \\f & $\psi_2$ \end{psmallmatrix}} } 
& $G_{1} \oplus F_{2}$ }


I'm using the packages xy and mathtools.

Best Answer

You need to increase the row and column spacing. The first realization is more appealing to me, the second one is similar to the original picture.

The statement @R+1pc increases the row spacing by 1pc = 12pt; similarly @C+1pc.




  G_{1} \oplus F_{2} \ar[r]^{\spmat{-\psi_{1} & 0 \\ g & \phi_2}}
  F_{1} \oplus G_{2} \ar[r]^{\spmat{-\phi_{1} & 0 \\f & \psi_2}}
  G_{1} \oplus F_{2}

  F_2 \ar[r]^{\phi_2} \ar[d]^{\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}}
  G_2 \ar[r]^{\psi_2} \ar[d]^{\spmat{0 \\ 1_{G_2}}}
  F_2 \ar[d]^{\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}}
  G_1\oplus F_1 \ar[r]^{\spmat{-\psi_1 & 0 \\ g & \psi_2}}
  F_1\oplus G_2 \ar[r]^{\spmat{-\phi_1 & 0 \\ f & \psi_2}}
  G_1\oplus F_2

  F_2 \ar[r]^{\phi_2} \ar[d]^{\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}}
  G_2 \ar[r]^{\psi_2} \ar[d]^{\spmat{0 \\ 1_{G_2}}}
  F_2 \ar[d]^{\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}}
  G_1\oplus F_1 \ar[r]^{\spmat{-\psi_1 & 0 \\ g & \psi_2}}
  F_1\oplus G_2 \ar[r]^{\spmat{-\phi_1 & 0 \\ f & \psi_2}}
  G_1\oplus F_2


enter image description here

With tikz-cd one needs to be careful when nesting arrays in tikzcd.


\begingroup\lccode`~=`& \lowercase{\endgroup


  G_{1} \oplus F_{2} \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\psi_{1} & 0 \\ g & \phi_2}"]
  F_{1} \oplus G_{2} \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\phi_{1} & 0 \\f & \psi_2}"]
  G_{1} \oplus F_{2}

\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge,row sep=large]
  F_2 \arrow[r,"\phi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_2 \arrow[r,"\psi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{G_2}}"]
  F_2 \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_1\oplus F_1 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\psi_1 & 0 \\ g & \psi_2}"]
  F_1\oplus G_2 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\phi_1 & 0 \\ f & \psi_2}"]
  G_1\oplus F_2

\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=4pc]
  F_2 \arrow[r,"\phi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_2 \arrow[r,"\psi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{G_2}}"]
  F_2 \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_1\oplus F_1 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\psi_1 & 0 \\ g & \psi_2}"]
  F_1\oplus G_2 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\phi_1 & 0 \\ f & \psi_2}"]
  G_1\oplus F_2


enter image description here

The awkward (but safe) trick above can be avoided, still defining \spmat as in the Xy-pic case. The downside is that one needs to input the tikzcd in a slightly different fashion (only when nested arrays are needed):




\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=huge]
  G_{1} \oplus F_{2} \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\psi_{1} & 0 \\ g & \phi_2}"]
  F_{1} \oplus G_{2} \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\phi_{1} & 0 \\f & \psi_2}"]
  G_{1} \oplus F_{2}

\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=huge,row sep=large]
  F_2 \arrow[r,"\phi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_2 \arrow[r,"\psi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{G_2}}"]
  F_2 \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_1\oplus F_1 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\psi_1 & 0 \\ g & \psi_2}"]
  F_1\oplus G_2 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\phi_1 & 0 \\ f & \psi_2}"]
  G_1\oplus F_2

\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=4pc]
  F_2 \arrow[r,"\phi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_2 \arrow[r,"\psi_2"] \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{G_2}}"]
  F_2 \arrow[d,"\spmat{0 \\ 1_{F_2}}"]
  G_1\oplus F_1 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\psi_1 & 0 \\ g & \psi_2}"]
  F_1\oplus G_2 \arrow[r,"\spmat{-\phi_1 & 0 \\ f & \psi_2}"]
  G_1\oplus F_2
