[Tex/LaTex] putting a box over an image in beamer presentation


In a Beamer presentation, I want to put a box over a graphic file. For example, in one slide, I want to put a graphic file:
first slide

And, in the next slide, I want to put a box on the image:
second slide

This style of work was what I usually do with MS Powerpoint. I was wondering how I can do this with Beamer. If there is any other elegant way to do this with the similar purpose (i.e. pointing and emphasizing a part of images), I am open to any suggestion as well.

Best Answer

How about this: you have three commands:

  • \imagenode for inserting the picture and setting up some dimensions
  • the optional \imagegrid which helps putting the frame
  • \highlightbox for drawing the frame



\newcommand{\imagenode}[2][1]% [scale], filename
{   \node[above right,inner sep=0] (myimage) {\includegraphics[scale=#1]{#2}};
    \path (myimage.north east);

\newcommand{\imagegrid}[4][help lines]% [options], steps, font, precision
{   \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=#4}
    \foreach \x in {0,...,#2}
    {   \draw[#1] (\x/#2*\myimagewidth,\myimageheight) -- (\x/#2*\myimagewidth,0) node[below] {#3\pgfmathparse{\x/#2}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}};
        \draw[#1] (\myimagewidth,\x/#2*\myimageheight) -- (0,\x/#2*\myimageheight) node[left] {#3\pgfmathparse{\x/#2}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}};

\newcommand{\highlightbox}[8][densely dashed,thick]% [options], left, low, right, up, node options, node text, overlay spec
{   \only<#8>{\draw[#1] (#2*\myimagewidth, #3*\myimageheight) rectangle node[#6] {#7} (#4*\myimagewidth, #5*\myimageheight);}




        \highlightbox[red,very thick]{0.1}{0.1}{0.7}{0.2}{blue}{red frame}{2}
        \highlightbox[blue,fill=blue,fill opacity=0.3]{0.42}{0.23}{0.65}{0.74}{opacity=0.8,fill=orange,text opacity=1}{!?}{1,3}



enter image description here