[Tex/LaTex] put a line break in \pgftext


Simple question: I'm making a picture with PGF (basic layer, not TikZ) and I would like to add some text using \pgftext. The problem is that any \\ or \newline line breaks within the text are apparently ignored. Is there some way I can force a line break to appear?


  \pgftext{can haz line \\ break plz?}
  \pgftext[y = -20pt]{i made u a line \newline break but tex eated it}

This is not mentioned in the manual at all, and the only other discussion I can find is this post from comp.tex.pgf.user which doesn't actually include a solution, only the workaround of using a TikZ node with [align=...]. But, mostly for curiosity's sake, suppose using TikZ is off the table. Is it still possible to do line breaks? (I would think so, since TikZ itself must do it somehow)

Best Answer

egreg's solution or perhaps a minipage

\pgftext[y=-20pt]{\begin{minipage}{5cm}can haz line \\ break plz?\end{minipage}}