[Tex/LaTex] Proof-like environment


I have a theorem environment called question, and I would like to use a proof-like environment that prints "Solution" instead of "Proof"




Some question here

Here goes the solution to the question

Some theorem or formula to derive here

Here goes the proof to the question


I have used the command $\renewcommand{\proofname}{Solution}$ as a temporary fix, but that replaces the name for all instances, and sometimes I will actually need to use the regular proof environment, with "Proof" as its name.

Best Answer

Package amsthm has three styles: plain (title is in \bfseries and body is in \itshape), definition (title is in \bfseries and body is in \rmfamily) and remark (title is in \itshape and body is in \rmfamily). All of them come with starred versions, which do not use a counter.





Some question here

Here goes the solution to the question

Some theorem or formula to derive here

Here goes the proof to the question


Here is another way if you like to see the QED symbol at the end of the solution.






Some question here

Here goes the solution to the question

Some theorem or formula to derive here

Here goes the proof to the question


enter image description here

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