[Tex/LaTex] Problems with undefined control sequence in list of figures


I'm using TeXLive 2011. I had a lot of problems with compiling my large document yesterday and finally seemed to have gotten back to a working version, however now I get strange error messages in the list of figures like

[5 ./Diss.lof:61: Undefined control sequence. …skip
\abovedisplayskip \let \sml@listi
=\leftmargin \leftmargini … l.61 …S.~391]{Johannaber2004}}}{49}{figure.2.10}


[5 ./Diss.lof:61: Undefined control sequence. …skip
\abovedisplayskip \let \sml@listi
=\leftmargin \leftmargini … l.61 …te [S.~6ff]{Starke2004}}}{51}{figure.2.10}

The corresponding code in the lof file looks like that:

\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {\relax 2.10}{\ignorespaces Ursachen f\"ur Ma\IeC {\ss }abweichungen des Spritzgie\IeC {\ss }werkzeugs beim Kunststoffspritzguss nach~\textcite [S.~6ff]{Starke2004}}}{51}{figure.2.10}

I'm sorry, that at the moment I can not provide a minimal example,
can someone explain, what this undefined control sequences are about? It seems to be a cite command in a caption.


after Herbert's suggestion, I modified the source in the following way and removed all aux, lof, lot etc. files:

\caption[pure text without any command]{text with~\protect\textcite[][]{}}

But the problem persists:

[5 ! Undefined control sequence. …skip \abovedisplayskip
\let \sml@listi
=\leftmargin \leftmargini … l.61 …te [S.~6ff]{Starke2004}}}{51}{figure.2.10}

I'm using the scrbook class (komascript). I'll try to set up a minimal example asap.


  \caption[Bar \protect\textcite[][]{aksin}]{Foo \protect\textcite[][]{aksin}}

resulting in:

(./x.aux) (./x.bbl) (./x.lof
! Argument of \blx@citeargs@i has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.2 ...line {1}{\ignorespaces Bar \textcite [}}{1}


where the lof file is this:

\defcounter {refsection}{0}\relax 
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Bar \textcite [}}{1}
\boolfalse {citerequest}\boolfalse {citetracker}\boolfalse {pagetracker}\boolfalse {backtracker}\relax 

Best Answer

use \protect\textcite{} in your caption or better

\caption[entry for the lof without (!) \textcite]{... \protect\textcite{...} ...}

and delete the *.lof file for the next run otherwise you'll get always the same error again.