[Tex/LaTex] Problems compiling Tufte title page in XeLaTex


I'm not sure why, but I can compile a simple Tufte-style title page using pdfLaTex and Texworks, but the same file chokes in XeLaTex under Texshop.

Where is the error?

First, this MWE compiles:



\title{This is a Title}
\date{Fall 2014}

\newenvironment{loggentry}[2]% date, heading





This MWE does not:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode



\title{this is a title}

\newenvironment{loggentry}[2]% date, heading






I get an error that says,
"Argument of \MakeTextUppercase has an extra }.

1.19 \maketitle

I can't find the difference, other than XeLaTex and Texshop. Should these make that much of a difference?

Best Answer

It's a bug in the tufte suite. The minimal example


\title{this is a title}




also fails when compiled with latex, because with latex and xelatex there's no possibility of using microtype for letterspacing, so tufte-common.def resorts to using soul features. However, \MakeTextUppercase fails with this method.

For XeLaTeX a workaround can be found in my answer to XeTeX seems to break headers in Tufte-handout



\title{this is a title}




Of course you'll have to define font substitutes for the text fonts; the choice

  \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
  \setsansfont{TeX Gyre Heros}[Scale=MatchUppercase]

should produce a quite similar output. The method for choosing the font may be different on your machines, it mostly depends on the installation; so mileage may vary. (Please, ask in comments if the proposed code doesn't work for you.)

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