[Tex/LaTex] Problem with using TikZ pictures as subfigures


I tried to create a figure which consists of two subfigures, each of which is a TikZ picture.





  \path (0,0) coordinate (P0) node[right=0.1cm] {P0};
  \fill (P0) circle (2pt);

\caption{Hello P1} \label{fig:M1}


  \path (0,0) coordinate (P0) node[right=0.1cm] {P0};
  \fill (P0) circle (2pt);

\caption{Hello P2} \label{fig:M2}



But compiling this file gives the error

! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.10 \begin

Why is that?

Best Answer

The subfigure environment has a mandatory argument specifying the width:




  \path (0,0) coordinate (P0) node[right=0.1cm] {P0};
  \fill (P0) circle (2pt);

\caption{Hello P1} \label{fig:M1}

  \path (0,0) coordinate (P0) node[right=0.1cm] {P0};
  \fill (P0) circle (2pt);

\caption{Hello P2} \label{fig:M2}


enter image description here

I used .5\linewidth for each subfigure so each one will occupy half the available horizontal space and the two will appear side-by-side; of course, you can adjust those settings according to your needs. I also used \centering to center the objects, since the center environment adds (usually unnecessary) vertical spacing inside a float.