[Tex/LaTex] Problem with the installation of libertinust1math package


I would like to use the Linux Libertine Font for my document; as suggested here I have inserted this 3 code lines in the preamble of the input file


Compiling the code I obtained this error massage

File `libertinust1math.sty' not found.

I downloaded the package from here and put the folder in

C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\libertinust1math

Finally, following what suggested here, I refreshed FNDB as admin.
Now the error message is:

Font LS1/libertinust1math/m/n/10=libertinust1-mathrm at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found. }]

Can someone help me to solve the problem?
(I'm working on Windows10, with MikTeX 2.9 and TeXstudio)

Best Answer

Your problem is of the same kind as the one stated here, i.e. the map file of the font is not activated.

To solve this issue, open a command window and type the following:

initexmf --edit-config-file updmap

This will open the file updmap.cfg in a text editor window. Add the line

Map libertinust1math.map

to the file and save it. Then run

initexmf --mkmaps

and everything should work as expected.