[Tex/LaTex] Problem with \textbf{} command


I am using the font Open Sans Condensed Light for my CV. In some parts of my CV I need to bold some text, so I use \textbf{} command. However, it does not work.

How can I solve my problem?

Thanks in advance!

Here is a MWE:


\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Open Sans Condensed Light} 





\item[Environmental Economics \& Management]{2012 -- 2015}
     {\textbf{MSc in Business \& Economics}}


Best Answer

Open Sans Condensed comes in Light, Light Italic, and Bold, with no Bold Italic.

You can use it like this:

\setsansfont{Open Sans Condensed Light}[
  ItalicFont={* Italic},
  BoldFont={Open Sans Condensed Bold}]
  \frametitle{Open Sans Condensed}

  \textbf{Boldly} \textit{emphasizing} nonsense.

  \textbf{123} \textit{456} 7890

output of sample code

If you have an old version of fontspec, you should put the options between \setsansfont and {Open Sans Condensed Light}; you can do that anyway if you prefer.

For reasons unknown, TeX Live includes the Condensed Light fonts but not the Condensed Bold. You may wish to write to the package maintainer about this, but that would benefit people using pdftex more than xetex or luatex.

At any rate, I wouldn’t use the bold and the light together under ordinary circumstances: usually one pairs bold with regular, and semi-bold with light.