[Tex/LaTex] Problem with installation: cannot determine release!


My Windows 10 system has just started acting like and usual Windows system: every now and then, it suddenly stops by itself.

Unfortunately, it happened while I was updating TeX Live (2017).

Now, if I try to start the TeX Live GUI, I get immediately the error:

Problem with installation: cannot determine release!

If I launch tlmgr update --all in the command prompt, I get a series of invisible characters followed by:

at C:/texlive/2017/tlpkg/TeXLive/TLPOBJ.pm line 103, <TMP> line 1.

I've found this post:
"TeX Live Manager" send an error with the message "Cannot determine release"
but its answer doesn't help me, because I have the file release-texlive.txt in the directory C:\texlive\2017, containing:

TeX Live (http://tug.org/texlive) version 2017

This file is public domain.  It is read by install-tl --version,
tlmgr --version, and texconfig conf, and a final line appended with
the precise version number by tl-update-images during a build.

The following blank line helps avoid confusing output when
used directly from svn, so don't delete it.

Best Answer

I'm answering my own question just for the record.

In cases like mine, I highly recommend to send an email to tex-live@tug.org, see here for more info. (The mailbox is public, you can see the collection of prior postings to that list here. If it is the first time you write, wait a bit because your post is checked before publishing it.)

As for my problem, some files of mine got corrupted (e.g. my texlive.tlpdb in C:/texlive/2017/tlpkg contained only invalid chars, not normal text as usual).

Unfortunately, it didn't fix either running update-tlmgr-latest.exe nor running tlmgr recreate-tlpdb --platform=win32.

Eventually, since it should have been more complex to fix the problem (to find all the corrupted files) than to reinstall TeX Live, I reinstalled, and now it all works perfectly.

Before reinstallation, I run an "optimize and defragment" of my hard drive.

Thanks to Norbert (TeX Live team) and David for their help.