[Tex/LaTex] Problem with gather and labels


This gives a way of combining two different math environments (so there is no extra vertical skip):

Adjusting vertical skip between equations

But add labels to that exsample


    1 + 1 = 2\\
    1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 = 7!
    7 + 5 &= 12\label{a}\\
    12 &= 11 + 1\label{b}


and a problem occurs:

! Package amsmath Error: Multiple \label's: label 'a' will be lost.

What to do?

Best Answer

Use aligned, together with the trick in the previous answer:



   & 1 + 1 = 2\\
   & 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 = 7!
  $\hfill \label{A} \\
  7 + 5 &= 12+1-1+1-1+1-1+1-1 \label{B} \\
     12 &= 11 + 1 \label{C}
Equations \eqref{A}, \eqref{B} and \eqref{C}


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