[Tex/LaTex] Problem with elsarticle and lineno


I am using the elsarticle class in order to typeset a preprint of an article I am writing.

I wanted to add line numbering in order to make the revision easier, so I included the lineno package.

This is a MWE:




\journal{The Name Of The Journal}



\title{The Tile Of The Article}

\author[]{Name1 Surname1\corref{cor1}}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author. Tel.: WHATEVER; Fax: WHATEVER.}
\author[]{Name2 Surname2}
\author[]{Name2 Surname3}
\address{Research Structure Name, University Name, Full Postal Address.}


Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3; Keyword4; Keyword5


\section{Introduction and background}





\subsection{Aims and scope}





Thanks to all!


And this is what I get (1st page, see bottom):

Elsarticle With Lineno

The normal result when removing these two lines in the tex document:


is the following (see the bottom):

Elsarticle Without Lineno

So, author information is overlaped with the bottom line "Preprint sumbitted to […]". How can I fix this issue??

Best Answer

I am answering my own question.

I managed to solve this issue by just moving the \linenumbers sentence to the beginning of the main text —that is:



%    \linenumbers   <---- NOT HERE !!!

\journal{The Name Of The Journal}



\title{\begin{linenumbers}The Tile Of The Article\end{linenumbers}}

\author[]{Name1 Surname1\corref{cor1}}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author. Tel.: WHATEVER; Fax: WHATEVER.}
\author[]{Name2 Surname2}
\author[]{Name2 Surname3}
\address{Research Structure Name, University Name, Full Postal Address.}




Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3; Keyword4; Keyword5


\linenumbers  %% <---- BUT HERE !

\section{Introduction and background}





\subsection{Aims and scope}





Thanks to all!


This is the result:

MWE result

It is a little bit strange that the title line gets actually numbered, but it is OK for me that the abstract is not numbered, after reading the answer by @Loop-Space to a similar question regarding lineno: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/11406/8283, where he points out that lineno is intended to number only the main text.

It's not perfect, but it is OK for me.