[Tex/LaTex] Problem with compilation (color)


I have this code in LaTeX (the .cls file is HERE):







    \draw (1,0) -- (0,0) -- (0,1);

…and I have an error:

! Undefined control sequence.
\set@color ...\@pdfcolorstack push{\current@color 
                                              }\aftergroup \reset@color 
l.65 \begin{document}

How to fix it?

Best Answer

On lines 395-399 of FITthesis.cls one finds:

    \if@langczech\frontmatter*\else\frontmatter\fi %cislovani stranek pred prvni kapitolou
    \if@langczech{Sem vlo{\v z}te zad{\' a}n{\' i} Va{\v s}{\' i} pr{\' a}ce.}\else{Insert here your thesis' task.}\fi

and this reveals the culprit: code used in \AtBeginDocument is still part of the preamble and the class is using the hook to typeset information (in the fourth line in the code I showed above); this, of course, produces an error. The only remedy I see (perhaps there are better options), is to edit the .cls file and to replace the line


with the two lines


so the new lines will look like

    \if@langczech\frontmatter*\else\frontmatter\fi %cislovani stranek pred prvni kapitolou
    \if@langczech{Sem vlo{\v z}te zad{\' a}n{\' i} Va{\v s}{\' i} pr{\' a}ce.}\else{Insert here your thesis' task.}\fi

the description of \AfterEndPreamble from etoolbox:

\AfterEndPreamble{<code>} This hook differs from \AtBeginDocument in that the code is executed at the very end of \begin{document}, after any \AtBeginDocument code.

You should contact the author/maintainer of the class and report this bug.

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