Floats – How to Solve Problem in Subfigure 2X2


I try to put figures in 2X2, but they appear in 4 rows.

    {{\small Network 1}}    
\label{fig:mean and std of net14}
        {{\small Network 2}}    
        \label{fig:mean and std of net24}

        {{\small Network 3}}    
        \label{fig:mean and std of net34}
        {{\small Network 4}}    
        \label{fig:mean and std of net44}

        \caption[ The average and standard deviation of critical parameters ]
        {\small The average and standard deviation of critical parameters: Region R4} 
        \label{fig:mean and std of nets}

Any suggestion please?

Best Answer

Each of your \subfigures is 1\textwidth wide - there's no way LaTeX could fit two of these in a row. Also you don't need the minipage there.

Try something like this:



            {{\small Network 1}}    
            \label{fig:mean and std of net14}
            {{\small Network 2}}    
            \label{fig:mean and std of net24}
            {{\small Network 3}}    
            \label{fig:mean and std of net34}
            {{\small Network 4}}    
            \label{fig:mean and std of net44}
        \caption[ The average and standard deviation of critical parameters ]
        {\small The average and standard deviation of critical parameters: Region R4} 
        \label{fig:mean and std of nets}

2x2 output

Of course you would drop the \usepackage{mwe} and substitute your pictures back in at appropriate scaling.