[Tex/LaTex] Problem inserting picture into latex/pdflatex using figure environment


I am having trouble inserting pictures into my latex document at a specific point. Currently I have the two figure environments in the text but they are printed at the back of the document, after the bibliography. Am I missing something?

The pictures are both supposed to be full page-sized rather than a traditional smaller figure or float. I might be wrong in using the figure environment in this case, but I am not sure.

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside]{article}
I have some text here.  Then pics.
\includegraphics[scale=0.75, angle=90, width=\textwidth]{hamlet.jpg}
\caption{cool picture}
\includegraphics[scale=0.75, angle=270, width=\textwidth]{kinglear.jpg}
\caption{cool picture 2}
some more text here

Best Answer

Since the images must go at a specific position, it's not convenient to use a floating environment; you can use \captionof from the capt-of or caption packages to give your figures a caption:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside]{article}

I have some text here.  Then pics.
\includegraphics[scale=0.75, angle=90, width=\textwidth]{hamlet.jpg}
\captionof{figure}{cool picture}
\includegraphics[scale=0.75, angle=270, width=\textwidth]{kinglear.jpg}
\captionof{figure}{cool picture 2}
some more text here


The demo option for graphicx simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.

Depending on how tou are controlling the size for the images, you could additionally wrap each image and its caption using a minipage to prevent an undesired page break; something like

\includegraphics[scale=0.75, angle=90, width=\textwidth]{hamlet.jpg}
\captionof{figure}{cool picture}
\includegraphics[scale=0.75, angle=270, width=\textwidth]{kinglear.jpg}
\captionof{figure}{cool picture 2}
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