[Tex/LaTex] Problem in converting visio file to eps file for latex


I am now writing thesis using LaTeX. I tried Microsoft visio to draw flowcharts and wanted to create eps file so as to incorporate in LaTeX document, while converting, I face the following problems,

  1. when I use metafiletoeps.exe converter, the fonts inside the flowchart get transformed as a bitmap font rather than a vector font.

Prob 1

  1. when I save the visio document as a svg file and reopened using inkscape, the fonts in the flowchart overlaps or goes out of flow chart symbol boundary.
    Prob 2
    Prob 2
  2. when I print the visio document using pdfcreator to convert to eps file, the fonts inside the flowchart appeared as bitmap in the eps document.
    Prob 3

How can I get correct eps with fonts also in vector format in the conversion of visio docs to eps file format?

Best Answer

Just in case you are interested to create the flowchart with PSTricks, I provide the following template.

enter image description here



\renewcommand\PreviewBbAdjust{-8mm 7mm 9mm 1mm}


\psovalbox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=yellow,shadow=true]{Begin} \\
\psframebox[shadow=true]{row3col1}&\psframebox[shadow=true]{row3col2} \\
\psdiabox[shadow=true]{row4col1}&\psframebox[shadow=true]{row4col2} \\
\psframebox[shadow=true]{row6col1}&\psframebox[shadow=true]{\bf row6col2}&row6col3 \\
\psdblframebox[framearc=.4,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=pink]{row7col1}&\psframebox[shadow=true]{\bf row7col2}&row7col3\\

%top frame
\psframebox[shadow=true]{row8col1}&\psframebox[shadow=true]{\bf row8col2}&row6col3\\
\psframebox[shadow=true]{\begin{tabular}{c}row9col1-line1\\row9col1-line2\end{tabular}}&\psframebox[shadow=true]{\bf row9col2}&row9col3\\
\psovalbox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=yellow,shadow=true]{end} \\






\psline[linecolor=blue]{->}(6.5,8.3)(6.5,5.8)(5.2, 5.8 )
