[Tex/LaTex] Problem in bibtex when using authordate1 bibliography style


I need to use the authordate1 style in my thesis. When I compile, it always shows a lot of errors from bibtex.

My bibtex file is:

@Book{ Card:1983:PHI:578027,
    author = "Stuart K. Card and Allen Newell and Thomas P. Moran",
    title = "The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction",
    year = "1983",
    isbn = "0898592437",
    publisher = "L. Erlbaum Associates Inc.",
    address = "Hillsdale, NJ, USA"

My tex file is



Lista de referencias


When I compile without \usepackage[square,sort]{natbib}, I always get erros from bibtex (one from each reference), and I have to pulse the "intro" key for each one.

/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/base/latin1.def)) (./listareferencias.aux)
(./listareferencias.bbl [1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}]
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \protect \citename 
                              {Card {\em et~al.\ }\relax , }1983
l.4   }1983]{Card:1983:PHI:578027}

And my bibliography looks:

[Card et al. , 1983] Card, Stuart K., Newell, Allen, & Moran, Thomas P. 1983.
The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction. Hillsdale, NJ, USA: L. Erl-
baum Associates Inc.

However, if I use natbib, I get no errors, but my bibliography has no brackets:

Card, Stuart K., Newell, Allen, & Moran, Thomas P. 1983. The Psychology
of Human-Computer Interaction. Hillsdale, NJ, USA: L. Erlbaum Associates

Thanks in advance, I really appreciate your help.

Best Answer

The bibtex style requires a matching latex package so you need to add


to your preamble
