[Tex/LaTex] problem compiling some ‘math’ using LuaLaTeX


Have a couple of documents with the following sort of construct:

y=\sqrt[n]{\prod_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}}

Compiles/renders fine using 'standard' LaTeX, but fails miserably using LuaLaTeX. (I'm using MikTeX 2.9 for both).

Any suggestions? Here is a MWE to 'play with'. As noted, the problem arises because of the 'product' inside the square root. luaLaTeX seems to be having problems handling 'big expressions' nested within the square-root construct.

Thanks in advance.



This equation is properly rendered using a standard \LaTeX. However, it is not when compiled using lua\LaTeX.

y=\sqrt[n]{\prod_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}}

This simpler expression compiles correctly.



OK, tried

\setmathfont{Asana Math}

and it compiles fine, except I don't particular want to use Asana Math (given everything else is CM). So, for my (never-ending) edification, the * trick* (solution) hinges on using unicode?

It seems as if the problem (as originally described) relates specifically to the \prod operator. For example,


compiles/renders fine.

Here is what the PDF I'm rendering before adding the suggested unicode-math package.


Best Answer

With LuaLaTeX try

\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}

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