[Tex/LaTex] Print two sheets per page, with crop marks


I have a 124 mm x 164 mm pdf document that I want to print, two sheets per page, on letter paper (in landscape orientation). Arranging the two sheets per page is easy with the pdfpages package:






However, I would also like to draw crop marks to aid with the cutting. I understand the crop package should do the job, but I can't figure out how to use it. The package documentation wasn't really helpful.

There are similar questions on StackExchange, but they're either unsolved or do not deal exactly with the same issue.

Best Answer

If you are very keen on doing it yourself, here is a sample. Adjust the lengths as suitable.


      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,thick]
        %% lower left
        \draw ([yshift=1cm]current page.south west) -- +(1.5,0);
        \draw ([xshift=1cm]current page.south west) -- +(0,1.5);
        %% lower right
        \draw ([yshift=1cm]current page.south east) -- +(-1.5,0);
        \draw ([xshift=-1cm]current page.south east) -- +(0,1.5);
        %% lower middle
        \draw (current page.south) -- +(0,1.5);
        \draw ([shift={(-1cm,1cm)}]current page.south) -- +(2,0);
        %% upper left
        \draw ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north west) -- +(1.5,0);
        \draw ([xshift=1cm]current page.north west) -- +(0,-1.5);
        %% upper right
        \draw ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north east) -- +(-1.5,0);
        \draw ([xshift=-1cm]current page.north east) -- +(0,-1.5);
        %% lower middle
        \draw (current page.north) -- +(0,-1.5);
        \draw ([shift={(-1cm,-1cm)}]current page.north) -- +(2,0);

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