[Tex/LaTex] Print multiple glossaries on one page


I am using the glossaries package to have three glossaries: the main(default) one, the acronym, and the symbol one. As all three are to long with each taking a new page on its own I would like to shrink them all on one page. But the default behaviour seems to be a pageskip after each defined glossar.
How two prevent this and get them on one page (multiple if not enough space). Look like:
enter image description here
This is the MWE:

    \newcommand{\TWOorONESIDE}{oneside} % According to above twoside/oneside (unsymmetric/symmetric margins)
%NOTE Packages, my Macros und Formatdefinitions
\usepackage[english,german]{babel}  % Multilingual support ctan.org/pkg/babel?lang=en
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}            % Allows different font encodings and hyphenation ctan.org/pkg/fontenc?lang=en
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}         % Translates input encodings into LaTeX internal language
\usepackage{hyperref}   % Extensive Cross-ref­er­enc­ing com­mands ctan.org/pkg/hyperr
\newglossary*{mysyms}{Symbolverzeichnis}    % custom glossary, type=mysmys
% some entries:
\newglossaryentry{potato}{name={potato},plural={potatoes}, description={starchy tuber}} 
\newglossaryentry{cabbage}{name={cabbage},description={vegetable with thick green or purple leaves}}
\newglossaryentry{ROS_def}{name={ROS},description={Operating system connecting various C++ nodes}}
%... glossary
\newacronym{ac:ros}{ROS}{Roboter Operating System}
\newacronym{ac:svm}{SVM}{support vector machine}
%... acronyms
\newglossaryentry{R}{type=mysyms,name={R},description={rational number amount}} 

%begin document env.
        \textit{Alle} Ausführungen, die wörtlich oder sinngemäß übernommen wurden, sind als 
        solche gekennzeichnet.\\
        test \gls{R}, test \gls{ac:ros}, test \gls{ROS_def}, test \gls{cabbage}, \\
        eine \gls{potato}.\\
        \vspace{20mm}   \\
\printnoidxglossaries   % Shortcut to display all glossaries at once 

I did search the docs but could not find anything helpful. Has anyone solved that before?

Best Answer

Try \setglossarysection{section}, i.e. each glossaries is an unnumbered section instead of a chapter (since book class) is used.

The \printnoidxglossaries command might need a \clearpage before, to the the glossaries on a new page (but all of them on the same page)

\newcommand{\TWOorONESIDE}{oneside} % According to above twoside/oneside (unsymmetric/symmetric margins)

\usepackage[english,ngerman]{babel}  % Multilingual support ctan.org/pkg/babel?lang=en
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}            % Allows different font encodings and hyphenation ctan.org/pkg/fontenc?lang=en
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}         % Translates input encodings into LaTeX internal language
\usepackage{hyperref}   % Extensive Cross-ref­er­enc­ing com­mands ctan.org/pkg/hyperr
\newglossary*{mysyms}{Symbolverzeichnis}    % custom glossary, type=mysmys
% some entries:
\newglossaryentry{potato}{name={potato},plural={potatoes}, description={starchy tuber}} 
\newglossaryentry{cabbage}{name={cabbage},description={vegetable with thick green or purple leaves}}
\newglossaryentry{ROS_def}{name={ROS},description={Operating system connecting various C++ nodes}}
%... glossary
\newacronym{ac:ros}{ROS}{Roboter Operating System}
\newacronym{ac:svm}{SVM}{support vector machine}
%... acronyms
\newglossaryentry{R}{type=mysyms,name={R},description={rational number amount}} 

\textit{Alle} Ausführungen, die wörtlich oder sinngemäß übernommen wurden, sind als 
solche gekennzeichnet.\\
test \gls{R}, test \gls{ac:ros}, test \gls{ROS_def}, test \gls{cabbage}, \\
eine \gls{potato}.\\
% \vspace{20mm}   \\
\printnoidxglossaries   % Shortcut to display all glossaries at once 
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