[Tex/LaTex] Prevent supertabular* from breaking too early


I have a similar question as ipavlic, that is, the break of a long table by the supertabular package comes too soon. The solution proposed by egreg works well for the supertabular environment, however, being a LateX noob I cannot get it to work for the supertabular* environment.

Minimal working example


      \ST@lineht=\arraystretch \baslineskp 
      %\global\advance\ST@lineht by 1\p@ 
      \ST@trace\tw@{Average line height: \the\ST@lineht}% 
      \ST@trace\tw@{Stretched line height: \the\ST@stretchht}% 


    \tablefirsthead{\hline\hline a & b & c\\\hline}
    \tablehead{\hline\hline a & b & c\\\hline}
    \begin{supertabular*}{1 \columnwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} c c c}
    1 & 2 & 3\\
    4 & 5 & 6\\


However, when I change supertabular* to strictsupertabular* I get an error. Is it possible to define a strictsupertabular environment that has tabular* functionality?

Best Answer

[OP's answer, moved from question]

I figured it out, the following definition of the new strictsupertabular* environment works
