Page-Breaking – Preventing Actions at the Top of a Page in LaTeX


I have a manual list of stuff that are sometimes separated by an hrule(or my own custom ruler) for visual purposes.

Sometimes the hrule ends at the top or bottom of a page which makes it useless.

Is there a way to prevent it from being added if it is at the top or bottom of a page?

MWE of problem:

  \par % make sure we end a paragraph
  \vskip5pt % space above the rule
  \leaders\vrule width \textwidth\vskip0.4pt % rule thickness is 0.4pt
  \nointerlineskip % disable interline glue here
  \vskip5pt % space below the rule
\noindent This is a test\noindent
\noindent End of test

Best Answer

Make your rule into a discardable item:

  \par % make sure we end a paragraph
  \vskip5pt % space above the rule
  \leaders\vrule width \textwidth\vskip0.4pt % rule thickness is 0.4pt
  \nointerlineskip % disable interline glue here
  \vskip5pt % space below the rule

Because of the page breaking rules of TeX, no break can be taken at the vertical leaders or at the following \medskip. If a page break is taken at the \bigskip, the following glue (or leaders) will disappear.