[Tex/LaTex] Presentation using LyX


I want to create a presentation in LyX which can also be printed out as a 'manual'. I have seen reference to including the presentation file in a beamer article file. However, this seems to leave the 'slides' out of the printed doc. I would like to include the slides at the top of each page with additional notes below + additional pages with notes only. So I might have: page 2 = slide with notes underneath, page 3 = all notes, page 4 = slide with notes underneath etc. Power Point would call this 'notes view'. Is there an way I can produce this with existing classes in LyX or will I have to learn Latex.

Best Answer

Something like this?


This is the way in plain LaTeX:



\usetheme{Madrid} % optional
\setlength{\paperwidth}{12cm} % for the MWE only
\setlength{\paperheight}{9cm} % for the MWE only
\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[border shrink=5mm]


\begin{frame}{Slide one}

\Huge Some issue 
        \item My first item
        \item Another item

\note{ This are my notes about slide one
            \item Explain my first item
            \item Make a joke 


To adapt the above to a LyX presentation:

  1. Set the class options notes,handout in Document > Settings... > ... errh, well, the class options.

  2. Copy the essential of the LaTeX preamble (pgfpages package and \pgfpagesuselayout command) in Document > Settings... > yes, the LaTeX preamble, you caught it!

  3. In the main window, whitin a frame select NoteItem from the left dropdown menu (it should show "Note:" in red text) and write your notes.

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