[Tex/LaTex] Presentation using beamer


Using beamer I have prepared the following slide. I want to display the theorem
in a box or like that for better presentation. Also title heading is left align. Is it ok or not?

\begin{frame}{Chinese Remainder Theorem(CRT)}


 Let $r, s$ be integers such that gcd$(r, s)=1$. 
Given integers $a,b$, there exists unique 
$x <rs$ such that 

\item $x \equiv a \bmod r$ 
\item $x \equiv b \bmod s$



Best Answer

Do you mean something like this?

\title{You slide ready}

\begin{frame}[shrink=-50]{A theorem in a box}


 Let $r, s$ be integers such that gcd$(r, s)=1$. 
Given integers $a,b$, there exists unique 
$x <rs$ such that 

\item <+-> Wait to the next slide ...
\item <+-> $x \equiv a \bmod r$ 
\item <+-> $x \equiv b \bmod s$


Well, without theme and without theorem environment, you can use, for example, fancybox and minipage:

\title{You slide ready}
\begin{frame}[shrink=-50]{A theorem in a box}

 Let $r, s$ be integers such that gcd$(r, s)=1$. 
Given integers $a,b$, there exists unique 
$x <rs$ such that 


\item <+-> Wait to the next slide ...
\item <+-> $x \equiv a \bmod r$ 
\item <+-> $x \equiv b \bmod s$

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