[Tex/LaTex] Poster title in header box


I am making a scientific poster using the a0poster package. I wanted to know if there was any way to make say the top inch of the page a solid colour, and have the title on top of it?

Best Answer

This could serve as a possible solution to the OP's objective. This solution defines two macros via tikz skills for use of the a0poster package; one is postertitle which is the what the OP needs hopefully :-) and the other is psection that are meant for subtitles in the column-wise locations.


Two methods are proposed. Node style (method 1) and macro approach (method 2)

enter image description here




% method 1

\tikzset{mybox/.style = {draw=purple,fill=cyan, line width=0.2cm,rectangle, 
rounded corners, minimum width=\textwidth} 

% method 2

\newcommand{\postertitle}[2]  % Poster title
\draw [purple,line width=0.2cm,rounded corners=0.2cm,fill=cyan] (-0.5\textwidth,-4)--
\draw (0,1)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{43}   
{0}\selectfont {}{#1}};
\draw (0,-2)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{33}
{0}\selectfont {}{#2}};

\newcommand{\psection}[1]  % poster section title
\draw [blue,line width=0.2cm, rounded corners=0.2cm] (-7,-1)--(-7,1)--(7,1)--(7,-1)--cycle;
\draw (0,0)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{43}{0}\selectfont {}{#1}};

\postertitle{The Poster Title}{A. Author1 \& B. Author2}

\begin{minipage}{0.3\linewidth}  % begin of left column

\psection{Left Column 1}
\psection{Left Column 2}

\psection{Left column 3}

\end{minipage}                   % end of left column
\begin{minipage}{0.3\linewidth}  % begin of center column

\psection{Center Column 1}

\psection{Center Column 2}

\psection{Center Column 3}
\end{minipage}                   % end of right column
\begin{minipage}{0.3\linewidth}  % begin of right column

\psection{Right Column 1}

\psection{Right Column 2}
\psection{Right Column 3}

\end{minipage}                   % end of right column
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