[Tex/LaTex] poster-layout: background and boxes


I have to make a poster in latex for an elaboration.
I have an idea for the layout of this poster: a corkwall for the background and notepads for the style of the boxes, with little pins. Is it possible to realize my idea? I added a picture how it could look like (it should be in a vertical format). Thanks for help…enter image description here

Best Answer

Improved version

You can use tcolorbox to design the notepads; the cork-board is simply an image in the background. In my example below I used the beamer class, but you can use the boxes with a suitable class/package for posters:

enter image description here

The code (since I optionally used the equal height group, the code must be run twice so the heights can be appropriately calculated):



  frame code=empty,
  interior code={
  \fill[#2,drop shadow]
    (interior.south west) {[rounded corners=1.5cm]--
    (interior.south east)} --
    (interior.north east) --
    (interior.north west) --
    ([shift={(-0.9cm,0.5ex)}]interior.south east) to[out=30,in=-70]
    ([shift={(-0.55cm,0.7cm)}]interior.south east) to[out=-10,in=220]
    ([shift={(-0.7ex,0.9cm)}]interior.south east) to[out=250,in=30]
    ([yshift=-10pt]interior.north) circle [radius=0.23cm];
    ([yshift=-10pt]interior.north) circle [radius=0.175cm];
    cylinder uses custom fill, 
    cylinder end fill=mybrown!60,
    cylinder body fill=mybrown,
    minimum width=9pt,
    minimum height=16pt
  at ([shift={(-0.2pt,-9.8pt)}]interior.north) {};

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%


\begin{NotePad}[width=\columnwidth,equal height group=A]{myyellow}
Some test text for this block
\begin{NotePad}[width=\columnwidth,equal height group=A]{myblue}
Some test text for this block and some more text so it's a little longer

Some test text for this block and some more text so it's a little longer



Some test text for this block and some more text so it's a little longer

\begin{NotePad}[width=\columnwidth,equal height group=B]{myorange}
Some test text for this block and here we add some more words for the notepad so it spans several lines
\begin{NotePad}[width=\columnwidth,equal height group=B]{mypurple}
Some test text for this block and some more text so it's a little longer



A simple proof of concept:

enter image description here

The corkboard is just a background image (I used some random image I found at publicdomainpictures.net). The notepads are easily produced using TikZ through a command

\NotePad[<pin angle>]{<color>}{<text>}

The code:



\fill[#2,drop shadow]
  (0,0) {[rounded corners=1.5cm]--
  ++(10,0)} --
  ++(0,10) --
  ++(-10,0) --
  (9,0) to[out=30,in=-70]
  (9.35,0.75) to[out=-30,in=210]
  (10,1) to[out=240,in=30]
  (5,9.5) circle [radius=0.25cm];
  (5,9.5) circle [radius=0.20cm];
  minimum width=10pt,
  minimum height=18pt
  at (5,9.52) {};
\node[text width=9cm,minimum height=8cm] at (5,5)


\node {\includegraphics[width=75cm]{corkboard}};
\NotePad{myyellow}{Some test text}\quad
\NotePad[90]{mygreen}{Some test text}\quad
\NotePad[68]{myblue}{Some test text}\par\bigskip
\NotePad{myorange}{Some test text}\quad
\NotePad[90]{mypurple}{Some test text}\quad
\NotePad[68]{myred}{Some test text}

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