[Tex/LaTex] Positioning of tcolorbox in list environment


For emphasis some key features in my texts I use tcolorbox, which is pushed to the outside border. in normal text this work fine but in itemize environment it is pushed more outside then I desire. Apparently its moving to right/left border accordingly to itemize leftmargin and not of text margin:

    colback=teal!10, frame hidden, colframe=teal,
    borderline={1pt}{0pt}{teal, sharp corners},
    top=1mm, bottom=1mm, left=1mm, right=1mm,
        check odd page,
            grow to left by =-\marginwidth,
            grow to right by=\marginwidth,
        toggle enlargement=evenpage,
    enlarge top by=5mm,
    overlay unbroken and first={%
        \node[trapezium,trapezium left angle=90, trapezium right angle=60,
              fill=teal!60!black,inner xsep=2mm,inner ysep=2pt,yshift=-1pt,
              anchor=bottom left corner,
        at (frame.north west)

some text
    \item   the first item text
Key features of item \dots
    \item   the second item text

Question: How to convince tcolorbox to be positioned in the itemize environment the same as in normal text ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can adjust the settings with \@totalleftmargin:

    colback=teal!10, frame hidden, colframe=teal,
    borderline={1pt}{0pt}{teal, sharp corners},
    top=1mm, bottom=1mm, left=1mm, right=1mm,
        check odd page,
            grow to left by =\dimexpr-\marginwidth+\@totalleftmargin
            grow to right by=\dimexpr\marginwidth+\@totalleftmargin,
        toggle enlargement=evenpage,
    enlarge top by=5mm,
    overlay unbroken and first={%
        \node[trapezium,trapezium left angle=90, trapezium right angle=60,
              fill=teal!60!black,inner xsep=2mm,inner ysep=2pt,yshift=-1pt,
              anchor=bottom left corner,
        at (frame.north west)

some text

    \item   the first item text 
Key features of item \dots
    \item   the second item text

some text

    \item   the first item text
Key features of item \dots
    \item   the second item text
