[Tex/LaTex] Position the date with dinbrief


How do I change the horizontal position of the date with dinbrief?

I have written some nice looking letters but now I am trying to align the date with part of my letterhead. I'm using dinbrief and I cannot figure out how to change the horizontal position of the date. The date (with location) are the only reference fields that I am using. I am open to dirty hacks.

Here's a minimal document as a starting point:

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\begin{letter}{Bill Bixby \\ 123 Hulk Rd. \\ Sheboygan, WI 01234}
  \opening{Dear Bill}
Long time no see.  Lorem ipsum etc.
  \closing{Kind Regards}


Best Answer

The date in dinbrief is set using \raggedleft. So, if you wish to move it it around, just include your spacing/formatting commands as part of the \date macro:

  • \date{\today\hspace{2em}}: Date will be 2em from the right margin
  • \date{\centering\today}: Date will be centred
  • \date{\raggedright\today}: Date will be flush left
  • \date{\raggedright\hspace{2em}\today}: Date will be 2em from the left margin

Here is a \raggedright display of \today:

enter image description here

\documentclass[10pt]{dinbrief}% http://ctan.org/pkg/dinbrief
\usepackage[a4paper]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\begin{letter}{Bill Bixby \\ 123 Hulk Rd. \\ Sheboygan, WI 01234}
  \opening{Dear Bill}
Long time no see.  Lorem ipsum etc.
  \closing{Kind Regards}
