[Tex/LaTex] Position a full width logo in scrlttr2 header


How can I position a fullwidth logo in the top left corner of my scrlttr2 document? The following code leaves a small but noticable gap.

\setkomavar{fromname}{Just me}



\begin{letter}{John Doe \\ Berlin}
\opening{Dear John,}

\closing{Mit freundlichen Scherzen,}



Best Answer

The problem is that


adds horizontal space if you don't avoid it putting a % after \firsthead{, so you would have to write


Moreover, the use of \firsthead is deprecated. You should use the following syntax instead:


Complete MWE

\setkomavar{fromname}{Just me}



\begin{letter}{John Doe \\ Berlin}
\opening{Dear John,}

\closing{Mit freundlichen Scherzen,}



enter image description here