Polynomial Long Division Over GF(p) in LaTeX


Is there a package like polynom for typesetting polynomial long division but over a finite field such as GF(2). If not, how to manually typeset long division in general?



I attempted the following solution! However, the vertical spacing between each line and exponents of the equation below it is quite small, how to increase it? I tried \vspace but received errors. Thanks.

&    &    &    &    &+x^4&+x^3&    &  &+1\\
     &+x^7&+x^6&+x^5&    &    &+x^2&+x&  \\
&    &+x^7&    &+x^5&+x^4&    &    &  &  \\
&    &    &+x^6&    &+x^4&    &    &  &  \\
&    &    &+x^6&    &+x^4&+x^3&    &  &  \\
&    &    &    &    &    &+x^3&+x^2&+x&  \\
&    &    &    &    &    &+x^3&    &+x&+1\\
&    &    &    &    &    &    &+x^2&  &+1\\

Best Answer

I'm afraid there isn't such a package to do calculations over finite fields. Arithmetic over finite fields GF(p^n) may be too complex for TeX. GF(2) and GF(p) are much easier, but there seems no such a package either.

To typeset long division manually, you can simply use an array. For example:



x^3 - x + 1 = (x-1)(x^2+x) + 1 \in \mathbb{F}_3[x]

\begin{array}{*2r @{\hskip\arraycolsep}c@{\hskip\arraycolsep} *4r}
  &    &&    &  1 &  1 & 0 \\
1 & -1 &\big)& 1 &  0 & -1 & 1 \\
  &    &&  1 & -1 \\
  &    &&    &  1 & -1 \\
  &    &&    &  1 & -1 \\
  &    &&    &    &    & 1 \\


enter image description here

If you need a lot of these long divisions, it is worth to write a program (not necessarily in TeX) to generate the code. It's not very difficult for polynomials over GF(p).

For edited question:

To increase the vertical space between array lines, you can redefine the factor \arraystretch as showed above. Or you can use makecell package to add a gap.