[Tex/LaTex] Playing around with a Rubik’s Cube in TikZ


My questions are:

  • Is there a possibility to get a view of a Rubik's Cube in TikZ such as in pgfplots; like view={NUMBER1}{NUMBER2}?
  • How can be the Rubik's Cube be scrambled with a number a, such that this number makes a random pattern to the cube (→ scrambeling).

Here is my MWE (it's just the Cube without any functions):

    \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=1cm,draw,very thick},very thick]
        \draw[step=2cm,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) grid (8,8);
            \node[fill=red] at (-4.08,-2.09) {};
            \node[fill=white] at (-4.08,-.09) {};
            \node[fill=blue] at (-4.08,1.91) {};
            \node[fill=red] at (-4.08,3.91) {};
            \node[fill=blue] at (-4.08,-2.09) {};
            \node[fill=white] at (-4.08,-.09) {};
            \node[fill=orange] at (-4.08,1.91) {};
            \node[fill=white] at (-4.08,3.91) {};
            \node[fill=yellow] at (-4.08,-2.09) {};
            \node[fill=blue] at (-4.08,-.09) {};
            \node[fill=white] at (-4.08,1.91) {};
            \node[fill=green] at (-4.08,3.91) {};
                \node[fill=white] at (-4.08,-2.09) {};
                \node[fill=red] at (-4.08,-.09) {};
                \node[fill=blue] at (-4.08,1.91) {};
                \node[fill=yellow] at (-4.08,3.91) {};
        \draw[xshift=-8cm,yshift=8cm,step=2cm,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) grid (8,8);
            \draw[fill=yellow,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=2cm,fill=blue,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6cm,fill=orange,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[fill=green,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=2cm,fill=orange,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=4cm,fill=orange,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6cm,fill=blue,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[fill=red,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=2cm,fill=yellow,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=4cm,fill=red,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6cm,fill=red,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[fill=blue,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=2cm,fill=orange,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=4cm,fill=yellow,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6cm,fill=blue,canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=8cm,xshift=-2cm,fill=blue,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=7.23cm,xshift=-2.76cm,fill=orange,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6.46cm,xshift=-3.55cm,fill=green,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=8cm,xshift=-2cm,fill=green,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=7.23cm,xshift=-2.76cm,fill=white,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6.46cm,xshift=-3.55cm,fill=red,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=5.68cm,xshift=-4.33cm,fill=red,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=8cm,xshift=-2cm,fill=yellow,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=7.23cm,xshift=-2.76cm,fill=yellow,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6.46cm,xshift=-3.55cm,fill=green,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=5.68cm,xshift=-4.33cm,fill=red,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=8cm,xshift=-2cm,fill=green,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=7.23cm,xshift=-2.76cm,fill=red,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=6.46cm,xshift=-3.55cm,fill=yellow,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[yshift=5.68cm,xshift=-4.33cm,fill=red,canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
            \fill[black,canvas is zy plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
            \fill[xshift=-2.05cm,yshift=-.58cm] (0,0) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
            \fill[xshift=-1.5cm,yshift=1.49cm,canvas is zx plane at y=0] (0,0) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
                \fill[rounded corners=5,blue,canvas is zy plane at x=0] (0,0) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
                \fill[rounded corners=5,xshift=-2.05cm,yshift=-.58cm,red] (0,0) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
                \fill[rounded corners=5pt,xshift=-1.5cm,yshift=1.49cm,canvas is zx plane at y=0,white] (0,0) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
            \node[fill=white,inner sep=0pt,draw=white] (n) at (-1.3,-1.7) {Another style};
            \draw[line width=1pt,->] (n) --+ (0,1);

Here is the original picture:


And the output:


Best Answer

For your first question, a very simple example of how the tikz-3dplot handles its coordinate changes. Note the \tplotsetmaincoords{<angle>}{<angle>} command that sets the view.

enter image description here

I trust you'll be able to add the colors.

    \foreach \myPsi in {90,100,...,170}{
        \clip (-8,-6) rectangle (8,6);
            \draw[step=2cm,canvas is yz plane at x=4] (-4.01,-4.01) grid (4,4);
            \draw[step=2cm,canvas is xz plane at y=4] (-4.01,-4.01) grid (4,4);
            \draw[step=2cm,canvas is yx plane at z=4] (-4.01,-4.01) grid (4,4);

This is bit more realistic with rounded corners:

enter image description here

    \foreach \frontcolor [remember=\frontcolor as \sidecolor (initially blue)] in {red,white,orange,blue}{
        \foreach \myPsi in {90,100,...,170}{
            \begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
                \clip (-3,-2.5) rectangle (3,2.5);
                    \filldraw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
                    \filldraw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
                    \filldraw [canvas is yx plane at z=1.5] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
                    \foreach \X in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                        \foreach \Y in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                            \draw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5,shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=\sidecolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                            \draw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5,shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=\frontcolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                            \draw [canvas is yx plane at z=1.5,shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=green!60!black] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;

Edit 2
As per request, rotating one row:

enter image description here

The code becomes increasingly complex, and drawing order is very important.

    \foreach \frontcolor [remember=\frontcolor as \sidecolor (initially blue)] in {red,white,orange,blue}{
        \foreach \myPsi in {90,100,...,170}{
            \begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
                \clip (-3,-2.5) rectangle (3,2.5);
                    \filldraw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,0.5);
                    \filldraw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,0.5);
                    \filldraw [canvas is yx plane at z=0.5] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
                    \foreach \X in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                        \foreach \Y in {-1.5,-0.5}{
                            \draw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5,shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=blue] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                            \draw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5,shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=red] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                        \foreach \X in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                            \filldraw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5,shift={(\X,0.5)}] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
                            \filldraw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5,shift={(\X,0.5)}] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
                            \draw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5,shift={(\X,0.5)},fill=\sidecolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                            \draw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5,shift={(\X,0.5)},fill=\frontcolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                            \foreach \Y in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                                \filldraw [canvas is yx plane at z=1.5,shift={(\X,\Y)}] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
                                \draw [canvas is yx plane at z=1.5,shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=green!60!black] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;

To get it to rotate back and forth I cheated a bit when converting it to a .gif:

enter image description here

Edit 3
This pretty much makes you able to control the rotation with buttons:


\foreach \i in {2,...,36}{


    \ifcase\mySegment% segment 0
    \or% segment 1
    \or% segment 2
    \or% segment 3
            \filldraw [canvas is yx plane at z={\myHeight+1}] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
            \filldraw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5] (-1.5,\myHeight) rectangle (1.5,{\myHeight+1});
            \filldraw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5] (-1.5,\myHeight) rectangle (1.5,{\myHeight+1});
            \foreach \X in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                \draw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5,shift={(\X,\myHeight)},fill=\sidecolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                \draw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5,shift={(\X,\myHeight)},fill=\frontcolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                    \foreach \Y in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                        \draw [canvas is yx plane at z={\myHeight+1},shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=green!60!black] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
        \begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
            \clip (-3,-2.5) rectangle (3,2.5);
            \begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
                \clip (-3,-2.5) rectangle (3,2.5);

I added a command that draws a row of cubes, with optional z level (defaults to 2, zero based) and with a rotation about z: \drawRotatedRow[<level>]{<rotation>}. With this command now we can do something like this:

enter image description here



    \ifcase\mySegment% segment 0
    \or% segment 1
    \or% segment 2
    \or% segment 3
            \filldraw [canvas is yx plane at z={\myHeight+1}] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
            \filldraw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5] (-1.5,\myHeight) rectangle (1.5,{\myHeight+1});
            \filldraw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5] (-1.5,\myHeight) rectangle (1.5,{\myHeight+1});
            \foreach \X in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                \draw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5,shift={(\X,\myHeight)},fill=\sidecolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                \draw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5,shift={(\X,\myHeight)},fill=\frontcolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                    \foreach \Y in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                        \draw [canvas is yx plane at z={\myHeight+1},shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=green!60!black] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
    \foreach \iPsi in {0,10,...,359}{
        \begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
            \clip (-3,-2.5) rectangle (3,2.5);

Or even this (very long GIF):

enter image description here



    \ifcase\mySegment% segment 0
    \or% segment 1
    \or% segment 2
    \or% segment 3
            \filldraw [canvas is yx plane at z={\myHeight+1}] (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
            \filldraw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5] (-1.5,\myHeight) rectangle (1.5,{\myHeight+1});
            \filldraw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5] (-1.5,\myHeight) rectangle (1.5,{\myHeight+1});
            \foreach \X in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                \draw [canvas is yz plane at x=1.5,shift={(\X,\myHeight)},fill=\sidecolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                \draw [canvas is xz plane at y=1.5,shift={(\X,\myHeight)},fill=\frontcolor] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
                    \foreach \Y in {-1.5,-0.5,0.5}{
                        \draw [canvas is yx plane at z={\myHeight+1},shift={(\X,\Y)},fill=green!60!black] (0.5,0) -- ({1-\radius},0) arc (-90:0:\radius) -- (1,{1-\radius}) arc (0:90:\radius) -- (\radius,1) arc (90:180:\radius) -- (0,\radius) arc (180:270:\radius) -- cycle;
    \foreach \level in {0,1,2}{
        \foreach \iPsi in {0,10,...,359}{
            \begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
                \clip (-3,-2.5) rectangle (3,2.5);
                \ifcase\level % Level 0 rotating
                \or % Level 1 rotating
                \or % Level 2 rotating