[Tex/LaTex] Plain/Empty page style for multipage ToC with package fancyhdr

fancyhdrheader-footertable of contents

(edit) Added MWE at the end of the question.

Maybe it has something to do with redefining \thepage?
If so, I don't know how to make sure otherwise that all pages other than ToC, \chapter and \part are in the new fancyhrd style.

I am trying to get rid of the fancyhdr header (including the page number in my definition) for my table of content, which is 3 pages long.

I've already tried multiple related answers, but none of them seem to work in my case. For example, I tried:


suggested here, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

I also tried:


suggested here, which works in removing the fancyhdr header from page 1 and 3 of the ToC, but not the second.

Any idea what else can I try to get this working?

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, final]{report}











Best Answer

If you can load package tocbasic, then you can use

\renewcommand*{\tableofcontents}{\listoftoc[{\contentsname}]{toc}}% ToC under control of tocbasic

enter image description here

Note that tocbasic can not be used together with tocloft.


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, final]{report}

\setlength\headheight{13.6pt}% as suggested by fancyhdr


\renewcommand*{\tableofcontents}{\listoftoc[{\contentsname}]{toc}}% ToC under control of tocbasic

\pagenumbering{roman}% use a different numbering scheme to avoide the same identifier problem
